Sophisticated Intimate Family Wedding for Amanda and Jess!

Jess and Amanda attended the same college but never met there and for several years "danced" around each other in social groups until they finally connected at the Jingle Ball in 2010. The spark that was ignited that fateful evening grew into the love they have for each other today. Jess proposed on a trip to the Keys last February and they started planning the wedding they both envisioned. The date of October 20, 2012 was set but the venue not yet selected. They first considered the new Nature Resource Center in Raleigh but that did not work out. Then they discovered Flanders Art Gallery on S. West Street in downtown Raleigh. It was perfect. The three of us met on March 22nd and got started creating the ceremony.
The big day arrived and Flanders Art Gallery had been transformed for the wedding!
Irregardless Cafe was catering but I don't know if they also provided the beverages or not.
Amanda asked me for recommendations for a day of coordinator to help her on the wedding day. I recommended A Southern Soiree and so Gina Annab was there to greet Marty and me when we arrived. She had everything under control! Thanks, Gina!
Don't those cupcakes look delicious? They were provided by Blue Moon Bakery.
 A photo of the couple was on every table. 
There were nice little personalized touches everywhere. 
Our DJ was Nikko Terzieff with NCT Entertainment. Nikko and I had not worked together but had met each other at the Professional Wedding Guild luncheon recently.
The bride had arrived and so we began the ceremony by entering and taking our places after the guests were seated.
Our beautiful bride was escorted in by her beaming father, Darrell. 
Amanda and Jess just couldn't take their eyes off each other. They were so happy and ready to be husband and wife!
John Rodgers was photographing this momentous occasion for Jess and Amanda.
After the welcome, their sisters, Alysun and Kirtan, sprinkled flower petals around the couple forming a "circle of love" in which they stood for the ceremony.
Everyone enjoyed the personalized parts of this ceremony and had a few good laughs too!
They made their vows and sealed them with their rings. 
The serious legal moment of the pronouncement of marriage!
And away they go! (Notice Amanda's bouquet and Jess' boutonniere are made of cotton bolls.)
Congratulations, Amanda and Jess! It was a wonderful wedding and I hope you are off somewhere honeymooning! All the best to you!