Alyssa and Larry's Wedding--Another Fabulous Wedding at Caffe Luna!

Back last November Alyssa and Larry and I met to discuss their wedding scheduled for October 27, 2012 at Caffe Luna--one of my favorite spots for weddings. They had met almost 3 years prior to their wedding date on October 24, 2009 not knowing at the time how the events of that evening would alter their lives forever. They were both drawn to each other from the beginning and, although neither disclosed it to the other, they were already smitten! A few months later on a trip to California on a guided tour of San Diego which, unbeknownst to them when they signed up to go was an event for senior citizens, they both realized that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Exactly one year from the day they met, Larry proposed at the very same spot they had done cartwheels and handstands the night they had met. And so the wedding planning commenced all while Larry finished undergrad school, went through the tedious process of applying to and starting law school, with Alyssa by his side encouraging him through all the difficult times and stresses.

We had our rehearsal on Friday 10/26 and went through all the logistics. Jaclyn, a good friend of Alyssa, was our wedding director. In the meantime, a Halloween event called "Walk of the Living Dead" was slated for downtown Raleigh during the time of this wedding with people dressed up in their perception of Zombies!  We thought we might see some of the parade come down Hargett Street during the wedding but if they did, none of the guests were paying attention to anything going on outside. The seating for the wedding was quite flexible and although we envisioned guests sitting at the long tables arranged on either side of the aisle, that did not happen! Most of the guests congregated at the tables in the adjoining room then stood in that area to watch the ceremony crowding in on the side.
When Marty and I arrived at 5:30 for the wedding at 6:30, the weather was overcast and windy as Hurricane Sandy was brewing over the NC coastline. But, there was no rain! We saw a lot of Zombies rushing to be in the parade--what a sight! Inside Caffe Luna our musicians, Ben and Amaree Davis, were tuning up for the ceremony. They were excellent and I enjoyed their music a lot. They did a wonderful rendition of Canon in D for the processional. It was good to meet them and I would love to see them at future weddings!
Normally I would not need amplification for a wedding in this room. But with the majority of guests spreading out into the adjoining room and noting the noisiness of everyone chatting with each other, I thought I had better use my microphone. Our DJ, Sami Lamir, was most accommodating. He has been a club DJ for years but wishes to do more weddings. I really liked working with Sami! Their photographer, David, from Storyphotographers was there to document the occasion. I have worked with them many times. Their florist was Tracey Huntley with Springwell Gardens.
Larry's parents, Veronica and Lawrence, are standing by to be the first to enter in the processional. They live in Garner. Alyssa's family came down for the wedding from Iowa.
Ready for the bridesmaids to enter. I am turning on my microphone bodypack in my pocket. The mother of the bride, Christine, is sitting at the table in front.
Bridesmaid Ashley is ready to enter. That is Jaclyn behind cuing everyone when to walk. She was not only cute but a take charge person. Thanks, Jaclyn! (And I really like your hair!)
 Here comes the bride with her father, Stephen. 
The reality of the moment is sinking in for Alyssa which brings forth a few tears of happiness!
I invited all those at tables to sit down and we began the ceremony.
Of course I told their love story and what they loved about each other to the guests who thoroughly enjoyed every moment according to many of them who told me they loved the ceremony as I was leaving to go to the next wedding.

"In the spirit of joy, we welcome you to the unparalleled promise that is marriage. We celebrate with you and we are incredibly happy that your lives include each other..." 
May I present the newlyweds? 
Congratulations, Alyssa and Larry! Loved working with you and officiating your wonderful wedding. May your cup of life overrun with love, joy and peace!