Welcome to week 11 in our '52 Rituals in 52 Weeks'
The Russians have so many absolutely fantastic wedding traditions it's hard to know where to start. Some of these are performed in the lead up to the marriage, others during the ceremony and many more ocurring after. The traditions of many cultures started long ago and have evolved over time, often becoming more modern versions of the originals, while some have sadly faded away altogether.
For Russian couples traditions are still very much practiced with the couple often heading off to the official registration ceremony and then after the newlyweds and of course their guests usually participate in some additional traditional wedding festivities. Some of these include the ‘Ransom of the Bride’, touring the city (progulka), sharing of a wedding loaf (karavay), and a wedding feast.

In modern-day
In modern times the Ransom is comprised of funny challenges for the groom, such as composing a poem for the bride, writing her name in rose petals, etc. Although this custom is light-hearted and fun, in certain Russian provinces a ransom literally means a ransom and occasionally passing by babushkas may block the road until the groom pays to pass through.
While we don’t often see such extravagant rituals like this performed regularly in Australia, they are so rich in culture and tradition that they inspire us all to really think about our own cultural traditions and their significance. The Russian’s definitely know how to have fun and have an amazingly memorable wedding day!
The Wedding Guru’s