Asha Mangapi's Send Off

Another beautiful Wedding Bells bride Asha on her send off....

Asha is dressed by Wedding Bells

...looking absolutely gorgeous with a red Cinderella tulle wedding gown...

...With her lovely maid of honour... Namelok Sokoine (mbunge special seats Arusha)...

...Beautiful decor...

MC Dr Chain akimkaribisha mama wa biharusi afungue shughuli...

...opened with a dance... 

...joined with her friends... 

...kina mama hawakubaki all the geles' head wraps 

the cake....sweeeeet! 

...the lovely sissy- Zaina 



...kuelekea kumchukua mume mtarajiwa for mlo of the day...

...Saida Karoli doing her thing...

...its her night....kutunzwa ni muhimu :-)

aaawww i envy that jiko... 


 ..with a happy face...akishukuru

...her friends nao walikuja kumtunza...

...the dadaz...

...mama nae alitunzwa...

Congratulation on your send off, wish you all the joy you deserve Asha

Wedding Bells Loves YOU