Tracy and Anthony's Beautiful Wedding at The Oaks at Salem!

Another gorgeous wedding at The Oaks at Salem despite being forced under the tent! The wedding date was November 1, 2013 and Tracy and Anthony planned to have their ceremony across the lake under the sprawling tree but the weather simply was not cooperative and the rains came. The "plan b" worked just fine though! 
When we arrived for the wedding, the photographer, Amy Turner--Your Still Life Photography, had gathered the bridal party on the steps for pre-ceremony photos. Don't you just love the navy dresses and the cowboy boots?
This gorgeous cake was baked by Heather Singleton of Party Delights Bakery.
Katie Featherstone was glad to be dry under the tent and she tuned up her beautiful harp.
Most guests sat at the tables during the ceremony. For family, there were two rows of chairs up front for the ceremony.
Birdcage rack held the place cards and table assignments.
Some children of guests were drafted into handing out their beautiful wedding programs to guests as they arrived.
After the parents were escorted in and seated, Anthony and I took our walk down the aisle. Beth Early with Irregardless Cafe who catered the food was our wedding director and kept us all in line! Note Anthony's  blue sneakers and those of his groomsmen!
Bridesmaids were next.
Charlotte--flower girl, Anthony's little niece, was led in by her grandfather, Mike. She was precious!
Our beaming bride and her very proud daddy!
There is that magnificent tree wearing its fall colors in the background. So glad it was in the wedding photos.
You can see the rain streaming behind us. We were literally surrounded by nature. Our sound man, DJ Laurence with Anything Music, had to turn up my volume due to the sound of rain on the tent roof but everyone could hear me just fine.
Tracy and Anthony are such a fun couple and I really loved their story. So did their guests. 
The story of Anthony's proposal in Breckinridge Colorado went over very well and generated a lot of laughs!
Vows and rings.....
When each mother was escorted in, she poured some sand into the center container which represented merging of the couple's heritages. Then after the vows and rings, Anthony and Tracy poured more sand to represent the merging of their lives in marriage.
Charlotte was a blur as she followed the bride and groom out!
Beth Early was so happy the wedding went so well and the ceremony was done! Thanks, Beth!
These are all Tracy's family! When the couple first started dating, Tracy invited Anthony to go with her to her sister's wedding where he would meet all at once over 35 members of her family. He obviously passed the test and decided to stick around!
Anthony and Tracy--a grand wedding despite the adverse weather. Congratulations on your marriage and I wish you tons of love, peace and happiness all the days of your lives!
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