Beautiful Fall Wedding for Mary and Matt at the Preston Woodall House!

Mary and Matt are both serving our country in the military, Mary in the Air Force and Matt in the Navy. They were both stationed in Hawaii when they met in 2009 and discovered they both love  finding new and exciting things to do together such as walking on lava fields and diving with manta rays! They have had some wonderful adventures together and it was time to get married. They set the wedding date for November  19, 2011 at the wonderful Preston-Woodall House in Benson. Mary's mother contacted me last May about officiating and put me in touch with Mary and Matt who were then living in California. We started working on the ceremony by email and met for the first time at their rehearsal Friday evening.
This is the Preston Woodall House from the side. The front is to the right. I have been doing weddings here for over 10 years now and always enjoy being here. It is such an elegant venue and Diane Seymour, the events manager, is a delight to work with. 
The front parlor was sumptuously spread with really wonderful appetizers for the guests.
For favors for the guests to take home with them, Mary chose caramel apple kits.
The Cora Lily Ballroom was all set up for the ceremony. After the ceremony the room was "turned" by the staff and ready for the reception.
Douglas Potts at the Harris-Teeter in Cary was the florist. He did a fine job!
This beautiful wedding cake was created by Lisa of Tier Bella. Gorgeous!
Jeff Martin with Strawboss Productions was our DJ. 
A gift from the bride's parents was a framed display of their two family coat of arms. Matt's family is of Welsh heritage while Mary's hails from England.
Their photographer was Rob Seelye with Studio R1. I have done many weddings with Rob but we had not crossed paths in about a year. It was great to see him again. He did an engagement session with Mary and Matt a few days before the wedding because they had not been able to come to NC earlier and put them together for their wedding poster to be signed by the guests. Their first date was on Memorial Day. The photos were taken at Jordan Lake and replicate some of their great ventures in Hawaii.
Last in was the bride with her father. She looked so pretty and the flowers were stunning.
Diane looks happy that all went smoothly with the ceremony and now it is time to set up for the reception while the guests enjoyed a cocktail hour in the mezzanine.
Well done, Mary and Matt! Now you can get on with your great adventures. May all your dreams come true!