These days many brides & grooms are finding that if they have lived together for some time or have had an engagement party, they already have plenty of everything and have often managed to even accumulate double of some things that then need to be returned or stored in the cupboard for re-gifting (not that we condone that kind of behaviour – lol)
If this sounds like you then the best option is to use a wishing well and a simple, cute, but witty verse offering your guests the opportunity to place a monetary gift into the wishing well rather than buying you a gift.
Now, I know some of you may feel uncomfortable about asking your guests to give you money, but if done properly it can be great not only for you, but also for them so that they are not stuck trying to find something to buy you.
The keys to getting it right are:
1. Make sure it is put in with the invitation so that guests are notified in advance.
2. Be sure to make it sound like it’s their choice, but if they would prefer to give a gift it would be appreciated just as much.
3. Pick a verse for to go with the invitation that you think your guests will appreciate (see our suggestions). If you are a pretty funny couple, and your friends are family are like that also then use a funny verse. If you are more serious types then choose something a bit more straightforward and practical.
4. In some cases it may be useful to provide guests with a small bridal registry at a local store so that they have a choice.
5. Above all – never make a suggestion of how much you would like (I have actually seen someone do this!) it only annoys guests and sends them fleeing to the nearest store to ensure that you are punished with 500 toasters!
Our favourite Wishing Well Verses:
Verse 1:
In our house we have the things
That living together normally brings
Most household items we’ve already bought
And because of this reason we thought
A wishing well would be great
(Only if guests wish to participate)
That living together normally brings
Most household items we’ve already bought
And because of this reason we thought
A wishing well would be great
(Only if guests wish to participate)
A gift of money is placed in an envelope
So in the future we hope
To furnish our home to its very best
And always remember it was
due to our guests
So in the future we hope
To furnish our home to its very best
And always remember it was
due to our guests
Verse 2:
Many of our guests have enquired
For a gift idea to be inspired
Like many young couples today
We have most things anyway
If you would like to give,
it is our request
For something for our treasure chest
A gift of money you can afford
Is just what we need you can be assured
Without the help of this little pun
Our honeymoon would not be much fun.
A Moment in Time: Wishing Well Hire
Amies Wishing Well Hire
Wedding Gurus