Stacey and Anthony live in Cranbury NJ which is close to Princeton NJ where I just happened to be last week giving a memorial service. Small world. They have been trying to get married for a couple of years now. But, every time they planned the wedding, something came up or happened to postpone it. So, taking the bull by the horns, Anthony called me today while he and Stacey, her 15 year old daughter, Rae Lynn, her teammates on the Central Jersey Lightning girls fast pitch softball team, and some other parents were in town for the national girls softball playoffs. When I asked about the wedding date, he said "hopefully tonight if you are available!" I was delighted that I could if they had their marriage license. He told me that they had gotten it that morning figuring they would either marry here or along the coast of NC where they are heading after the playoffs. They asked Rae Lynn if she would prefer to have the wedding with all her teammates present or wait until they got to the beach. Rae Lynn voted for tonight and she and her teammates got busy planning the wedding. My husband, Dave, and I arrived at the Homewood Suites in Cary where they were all staying about 7:45 and met everyone then commenced with the ceremony on the hotel patio.

Stacey is escorted in through the softball bats! I forgot to ask who her escort was. Maybe someone who knows will comment on this blog and let us know!
Because the wedding was planned quickly and over the phone instead of email, Stacey and Anthony did not get to preview the ceremony. Anthony voted for a 5 minute ceremony versus a 10 minute one so I wrote a very "short and sweet" ceremony for them. At this point in the ceremony Anthony was listening very intently to me ask him the "I do" questions and made some comment that he needed to pay attention to what he was promising which got a good laugh from everyone.
After the pronouncement I told Stacey she could kiss the groom which she certainly did.
Then, Anthony moved in to kiss the bride! They were so happy to be married at last.
The softball team with Rae Lynn and Stacey in front!
Congratulations, Stacey and Anthony! Thanks for the opportunity to meet and marry you. I hope all your dreams come true!