Happy, Rainy, Facebook Wedding for Tracey and Chris!

Tracey called me a few weeks ago to see if I could officiate her wedding to Chris on February 4, 2011 at St. Mark's Chapel. I was available and so we got started planning their ceremony. We did not meet until the wedding day which turned out to be a rainy one.
Tracey's parents had come all the way from the UK to be with her on her wedding day. I was so impressed with Jean's outfit and especially that lovely hat! I did a wedding this past summer for a groom who was from England and his mother also wore a lovely hat similar to this one. Must be an English thing!
When we were ready to begin, Tracey and her father came around from the building where she got dressed through the softly falling rain.
Richard escorted her down the aisle and transferred her hand into Chris' hand and they stepped up onto the platform to join me.
St. Mark's is the sweetest little chapel. It holds 55 people maximum and was built in 1847 in another county but later moved onto the Mordecai campus to be among several other historic buildings making up a sort of village. It is owned by the City of Raleigh and is a great place for a small intimate wedding.  Thankfully, it is heated and air-conditioned! The acoustics of the rounded ceiling are amazing and no sound system is needed.
Tracey and Chris found each other online but not through any matching service. Tracey lived in England and Chris in the US. They were playing the same game on Facebook and met each other and struck up a conversation. From there they got to know each other by email and phone which led to Tracey coming to the United States for a visit last June. A few months later they decided that they were perfectly matched and decided to marry. It was a second marriage for both.  Tracey has two sons and Chris has four. During the ceremony we honored their parents and their children.
I think I look sort of like a peacock here with large flowered tail feather fanned out behind my head! Gregg Kennedy of Brides and Bouquets provided this lovely floral arrangement.
They exchanged their rings and said their vows to each other.
Then it was time for the pronouncement of marriage which rendered them legally united in matrimony.
You know what comes next.......the kiss! It was a sweet one too.
The couple is presented to their family and friends as newlyweds.
Normally the couple would proceed down the steps and out of the chapel onto the walkway to receive their guests but, it was still raining. So they stopped and came back to the altar for photo opportunities.
Marty got the customary photo of the couple with the officiant and then it was time for all the family to get in the picture. In the meantime, Marty and I grabbed our umbrellas and headed out leaving the couple and their family to celebrate in style! Tracey and Chris, many blessings and congratulations to you both! I love your love story!