Danielle and Chris' Wonderful Wedding at North Hills Club!

Danielle and Chris planned their wedding at the North Hills Club on August 7th, 2010. I had not been there in years and the original clubhouse has been transformed into a beautiful and spacious facility. It is a good place to have a wedding, in a very convenient location, and you can have both the ceremony and reception there. Their catering and events manager, Lauren, was very helpful and made sure we had everything we needed. We had their rehearsal the day before and Danielle's Aunt Kathy who was our honorary director learned her duties cuing the wedding party in. My husband, Dave, who was my assistant this weekend (because Marty was in Nantucket), and I arrived for the wedding and got my personal microphone plugged into the DJ's system. Our DJ was Mitch Woodard with Joe Bunn DJ Company. He is great to work with. He also set up a microphone for the two readers and did sound checks. When all the guests had arrived, we began the processional.
The groom and groomsmen and I came in from the door to the left in the front after the seating of the mothers and Chris' grandmother. Then the bridesmaids came in and took their places. Next was the flower girl, Bella, 3 year old daughter of one of the bridesmaids.
Since Mom was one of the bridesmaids, Dad was in charge of getting Bella to walk down the aisle. Walking down a long aisle with lots of people watching her sprinkling flower petals is not a natural activity for a 3 year old. They are too young to understand the significance of what they are being asked to do. It is like asking her to dress herself without help or tie her own shoes! Here she is getting a pep talk from Dad because she is obviously hesitant to do what is asked.
Despite Daddy's pleas, Bella sat down on the job and kicked the basket in anger and frustration. Daddy was persistent though!
Having been persuaded at last to walk down the aisle, she is having trouble because she kept stepping on the front of her dress which frustrated her even more. Notice who is holding the basket!
And the obvious solution is to pick her up and carry her down the aisle and sprinkle the flowers for her. Yay, Dad! We cheered him on! (My opinion: Small children in the ceremony can sometimes be amusing and provide comic relief depending on what they do which is totally unpredictable. On the other hand, laughing at a child's anxiety and frustration can be shaming to the child. So, think twice about asking a small child age 4 and under to be in your wedding, no matter how much the parents would be honored to have their child in your wedding.) 
I don't think Danielle saw Bella's entrance but she is surely smiling and looks eager to get down the aisle and join Chris. I tell the fathers at the rehearsals that it is their job to keep the bride from galloping down the aisle so Gary is holding on to her. Gary, Danielle's father, did double duty at his daughter's wedding because he is also a professional photographer with GJH Photography.  Once he brought her down the aisle, he was up and working behind the camera. When we came to the parents' blessing in the ceremony, he was missing but quickly ditched the camera and joined Joanne, Danielle's mother, and Vickie, Chris' mother.
And so we began. Danielle and Chris designed a beautiful ceremony and included the story of how they met on e-Harmony. Danielle said that in his photo he was not smiling and so she was determined to get him to smile when they met. She succeeded big time because during the ceremony he was grinning the whole time (and making a few funny faces at Danielle too--yes, I saw you, Chris!)
My little camera did not get real good photos of the ceremony because the light was low and the flash only goes a few feet. I have brightened these photos to give you an idea of the events of the ceremony.
They chose to have the Unity Candle ceremony in their wedding. 
The pronouncement of marriage! 
Sealed with a kiss! 
And out they go to celebrate! 
Chris is glad the ceremony is over and he can relax!
Bella is glad the ceremony is over, too, and she got a lollipop--definitely age-appropriate! 
Danielle and Chris, you are such a well-matched couple and I am so glad you found each other. (I have all the confidence in the world in e-Harmony because all the couples I have counseled that have met that way have been incredibly compatible.) I know you will be so happy together!  Let me know if I can be of service to you in the future such as a baby blessing ceremony, renewal of vows, etc.